
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition of the skin that causes rapid skin cell production which results in reddish dry patches and scales on the skin.

Ayurvedic Therapies For Back Pain
Back pain can be linked to various conditions of the spinal cord and nerves, discs between the vertebrae, ligaments surrounding the spine and discs, lumbar

Ayurvedic Management Of Sinusitis
Sinusitis is the condition where the sinuses or the empty cavities within the facial bones are inflamed and blocked with mucus. It presents with headache,

8 Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion is a condition where there is an excess mucus build up in the nasal passages that causes obstruction in breathing. Stuffed nose can

6 Natural Remedies For Relief From Constipation
Constipation is the inability to evacuate the bowels or the condition wherein the stools become hard to pass. It presents with symptoms like straining during

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Amla
Amla or Indian gooseberry is an active ingredient employed by Ayurveda since centuries. Being a powerhouse of nutrients and providing numeral health benefits, this versatile