
9 Yogasanas to help reduce belly fat
A hectic lifestyle combined with unhealthy eating practices and lack of exercise have made many develop a flabby tummy. The accumulation of fat around the

Ayurvedic recommendations to eat according to your dosha type
Ayurveda emphasizes on ‘ahara’ or proper diet as vital for promoting optimum health. And Ayurvedic texts identify six major tastes that should be included in

5 Eye exercises to improve eyesight
Studies have found that stress is a major contributing factor for disorders pertaining to eyes. Overly strained eyes can cause vision problems, dry eyes along

Yoga & Pranayama to Manage Stress, Anxiety and Depression
The modern hectic lifestyle is making many victims to stress, anxiety and depression. When constant fear about something persists in the mind, it takes form

Health Benefits of Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is not actually a salt but a naturally forming pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulphate. Hailed as a natural remedy for many

Dinacharya – The Ayurvedic Daily Routine for a Healthy Life
Dinacharya is the daily routine concept in Ayurveda that formulates daily activities based on the cycles of the nature. The three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and